Boat Adrift

Alas, our boat had

Drifted long till days blurred one

Into another

Endless, with salt breeze resting

On hot skin briefly, then gone

What were we to do?

Dream of Heaven, or lost loves?

Make confession…die?

We closed our eyes to calm thoughts

Of  Yesterday, Tomorrow

For sundown coming

Nigh was gentle rose-gold sky

To comfort tired hearts

And shallow water lapped boat

As though singing lulla-bye

While stars were dressing

Clouds for evening’s brighter fete

Angels’ wings wispered…

Our boat drifted, drifted still

Souls sifting dreams like fine sand

©Pilar Brook, 2024

Sea’s Restless Heart

Sea is restless heart

Ever churning what’s beneath

Turning tides within

First high, then low, hope ebbing

Till cleansing froth of wave crests…

Midnight’s dark waters

Settle placid nearly still

Rest ‘neath hand of God

Who is, will remain, Sovereign

As when Spirit beckoned Sea

©Pilar Brook, 2024